
Innolytics is a software extension for CCTV systems with advanced data analytics to help you streamline operations, increase security or support sales development by working with people movement data. Instead of typical analytics software, it works not just with data from a single camera, but with the entire area covered by an arbitrarily large camera system.

Streamlining operations by processing data on the number and movement of visitors

Increase security through advanced object detection and real-time alerts of potential risk

Improve sales performance by analysing customer behaviour


“We know from our customers’ experience that a CCTV system is most effective when the data is evaluated by truly powerful image and data analysis software. Compared to traditional CCTV, which processes data from each camera separately, we work with the camera system as a whole and can connect it to security systems. The benefit of comprehensive information for the customer is incomparably greater.”

Jan Čulík | Project Manager


Security compliance monitoring

Security compliance monitoring

Leave safety compliance monitoring to smart technology and prevent risks without burdening human resources.

Analysis of data on the movement of persons

Analysis of data on the movement of persons

Achieve maximum space efficiency in your office buildings by analysing detailed data on the movement of people.


Remote Monitoring by Space is Transforming Building Management

Remote Monitoring by Space is Transforming Building Management

We talked with Lukáš Převrátilem, director of M2C’s Space Surveillance Center, about the possibilities of using 21st-century technologies in the field of facility management.

Vyhlašujeme inovace roku na slavnostním večeru TOP Estate & Business

Vyhlašujeme inovace roku na slavnostním večeru TOP Estate & Business

Hlavním partnerem akce a vyhlašovatelem kategorie Inovace roku je naše společnost Innovis, která nominovala čtyři projekty.

e-Reception – inovativní řešení pro automatizaci vstupů

e-Reception – inovativní řešení pro automatizaci vstupů

e-Reception je unikátní technologické zařízení, které výrazně zefektivní obslužnost budov.


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