SPACE provides you with advanced technology to monitor and control your entire facility from one location. Our experts monitor online and offline data to increase efficiency, ensure security and minimize losses.

High level of protection of the assets entrusted to you at the lowest possible cost – saving up to 82.5% per year

Protect assets, minimize losses and reduce crime through remote monitoring by our team of specially trained experts

Remote monitoring of energy consumption


“I’m still amazed at how accurate and smart our remote monitoring and control technology is, how it’s constantly evolving, and what our experts at SPACE can do. I enjoy the feeling that we are helping our customers run their businesses smoothly and save money.”

Lukáš Převrátil | Director, SPACE


Remote monitoring

Remote monitoring

Protect your business with cutting-edge technology. We provide you with cost-effective, 24/7 remote monitoring.

Security of goods

Security of goods

Secure your goods and protect yourself from internal and external crime with an intelligent camera system with real-time analysis and connection to POS systems.


INNOVIS představil své technologie v oblasti prevence kriminality

INNOVIS představil své technologie v oblasti prevence kriminality

V moderních prostorách Magenta Experience Center se uskutečnil Kulatý stůl s názvem Využití umělé inteligence v oblasti prevence kriminality.

Innovations, technology, and customized solutions increase the value of real estate. We change the mindset of our customers

Innovations, technology, and customized solutions increase the value of real estate. We change the mindset of our customers

“We are glad that there are customers who indulge in the luxury of automation and do not perceive it as a necessary evil,” says Katerina Sochorova, CSO of M2C holding, which has been providing comprehensive services in real estate management for 30 years

Technologie s umělou inteligencí jsou už dnes běžnou součástí našich životů

Technologie s umělou inteligencí jsou už dnes běžnou součástí našich životů

Na téma digitální transformace jsme pohovořili s naším technickým ředitelem M2C Františkem Leiterem.


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